The goal of Meisner's most recent STUDY was to provide advocacy of the music educators’ necessity for a greater understanding of performance anxiety’s existence within vocal music. A FOCUS was MADE on the explanation of common detrimental symptoms of affect MPA (Music Performance Anxiety), and how to prevent these symptoms; ones which occur in the moment (state anxiety), and steps a classroom teacher may take to prevent a students’ development of a predisposition to performance anxiety (trait anxiety). A succinct connection WAS MADE between various music and non-music-related scholarly research, PROVIDING multiple perspectives and methodologies a vocal music teacher may apply WITHin the classroom. Additionally, this connection and greater understanding of MPA FORMED THE BASIS for tools applied to different pedagogical styles used within three different music classrooms in a teaching practice. The three separate experiences reflectED various evidences that a non-evaluative, nurturing community environment, while fully engaging the student, may remove symptoms of MPA; while building on a young singers’ confidence THAT EXPANDS THEIR desire to continue participating in vocal music in any setting.